Nimip-p | Veterinary Nimesulide & Paracetamol Injection
Manufacturers Suppliers - Third Party Manufacturing - For PCD Franchise

Nimip-p | Veterinary Nimesulide & Paracetamol Injection


Nimesulide and Paracetamol are a powerful combination used for pain-relieving properties. Pax Healthcare has formulated a powerful dosage of Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection prescribed for treating infections in cattle, horses, and pigs. The pain relief injection is available under the brand name Nimip-p and comes in 100 ml packaging. The injection is also offered for PCD pharma franchise and third-party manufacturing services in the Pan India region. The veterinary injection is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility equipped with highly advanced machinery and cutting-edge technology. The injection is specially designed for veterinary use and made as per the pharma manufacturing guidelines related to veterinary products. 

You should give the Nimesulide and Paracetamol injections as per the dosage and duration prescribed by your veterinary specialists. Do not try to administer the injection by yourself, it should be given only by professional and trained veterinary specialists. The injection is mostly safe and rarely causes any side effects. However, the medicine may react and cause a series of side effects in different species of animals. The side effects can range from nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, persistent tiredness or dark/discolored urine. Consult your veterinary if the side effects persist or get severe. 

Best Manufacturer and Supplier of Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection

Pain relief is a big concern in veterinary healthcare. Nimesulide and paracetamol Injections is a widely used to treat pain and infections in various species of animals and pets. Pax Healthcare brings the best quality and safe Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injections for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving), and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties.  The injection is also offered for PCD franchises and other business opportunities. The key benefits of partnering with Pax Healthcare are briefed below: 

  • Adherence to quality norms 
  • ISO, GMP, and WHO-certified
  • 100% commitment to customer satisfaction 
  • Follow all the quality and safety standards 

Medical Benefits of Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection

The dual action of Nimesulide and Paracetamol is highly beneficial in offering anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving), and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects. The medicine comprises two main ingredients; Nimesulide and Paracetamol for treating pain noticed after the surgery or pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders, such as arthritis, tendonitis, and other inflammatory conditions. 

The injection belongs to the category of medicines called painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for their pain-relieving properties. The key benefits of using Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection are briefed below: 

  • Helpful in managing acute and chronic pain in various health conditions 
  • Reduces inflammation in different health disorders. 
  • Bring down high fever in animals suffering from infections and other conditions.

Dosage Instructions for Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection

The injection shall be given as per the dosage and duration given by your veterinary healthcare professional. The injections are administered intravenously or intramuscularly by an experienced veterinary professional. 

Side Effects of Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection

Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injections a potent medications and may react differently in all the animals. There could be mild to moderate side effects that may differ in different species of animals. The side effects mostly depend on the health condition and response to the therapy. Inform your veterinary doctor if the side effects persist or get severe in your cattle or animal. The list of side effects noticed on using the Veterinary Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection are mentioned below: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Persistent tiredness
  • Dark/discolored urine

Safety Precautions and Warnings 

  1. Store the Nimesulide and Paracetamol Injection in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. 
  1. Stay alert for any side effects in your cattle or pet to immediately inform your veterinary doctor. 
  1. The injection shall be given only by a professional veterinarian to avoid any side effects. 

